10150 Hagen Ranch Road, Suite 202 Boynton Beach, FL 33437
10150 Hagen Ranch Road, Suite 202 Boynton Beach, FL 33437
A dental onlay is a custom filling, or sometimes referred to as a partial crown, which is made in a dental laboratory and is permanently cemented into your tooth. Onlays are used to conservatively repair teeth with large defective fillings, decay or trauma. These restorations are ideal alternatives to crowns in the right circumstance due to the fact that less tooth structure has to be removed during preparation.
Onlays are essentially identical to inlays with the distinct exception that 1 or more of the cusps has been adversely affected and need to be included in the restoration.
These restorations are highly durable and will last for many years to come, providing that proper home care instructions are closely followed.
Dental onlays are generally completed in 2 visits as preparation, impression making for the dental laboratory and temporization is done at the first visit, while insertion of your custom made onlay is done at the second visit. Like many other dental restorations, onlays may need to eventually be replaced or re-cemented due to normal wear of artificial materials.
You will receive care instructions at the conclusion of your treatment. Good oral hygiene practices, a proper diet and regular dental visits will aid in the life of your new Onlay Restoration.
If you have any questions or concerns about Onlay Restorations, please don't hesitate to discuss them with your Dentist in the office or call Dental Arts of Boynton Beach at (561) 767-9595